Friday, April 23, 2021


: Young Robyn lives with her hunter father in a village on the outskirts of a forest. Her father's job is to hunt the wolves to extinction, to make the area safe for people. One day, Robyn disobeys her orders to stay put and ventures into the forest, where she meets Mebh, a supposedly mythical creature who can walk among, and control, the wolves. Will Robyn succeed in stopping the hunt?

Nominated for a Best Animated Feature Oscar, WolfWalkers is a throwback to the hand-drawn animation of yore, although it has some inkling of anime-style animation as well.

The story is certainly quite original, although the little ones might be a bit scared off by the amount of violence (seen or implied), and yet there were times when I found myself a bit bored. Not that it lacks action, mind you, and I find it really hard to pinpoint what it is that actually left me wanting.

THE BOTTOM LINE: An animated tale that's a bit different and darker than usual. Check it out if you like the medium.

Grade: 7

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