Monday, August 22, 2005

I read this article on the Washington Post's website, and this paragraph made me want to grab the Democrats by their shoulders and shake them vigorously:
Although Bush's approval ratings have sunk, the Democrats have gained no ground at his expense. In a Washington Post-ABC News poll in June, just 42 percent of Americans approved of congressional Democrats, a figure even lower than Bush's.
How can the Democrats not jump on the Iraq bandwagon?! The war in Iraq, sad as it may be the situation over there, has turned into the proverbial gift that keeps on giving, and the single most promising issue for them to take back at least one house of Congress next year.

Don't they understand that the reason people don't approve of them is because they look spineless and wimpy? Because they don't attack Bush's failure to make us safer, to find Osama bin Laden, to defeat Al Qaeda, to improve our economy, to create new jobs, to protect our environment, to improve our image abroad?

Don't they get it that people want some kind of action, not just inertia and a wait and see attitude from the people in charge?


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