Thursday, August 04, 2005

Can you believe this guy?! Yesterday, Bush said "We're at war" from his vacation in Crawford, Texas.

He had the guts to talk about the war and the fact that 14 US Marines died yesterday in Iraq while he's enjoying 5 weeks of vacation, setting the record for the longest Presidential vacation in history.

How does he even keep a straight face?! How does he sleep at night?! How can he enjoy 5 weeks of vacation while thousands upon thousands of brave men and women are fighting in Iraq HIS PERSONAL WAR?

Honestly, I don't know how people could have voted for this guy, or for the Republicans for that matter (since nowadays they all dangle from his lips.)

It's unconscionable enough that he'd throw the country into a war without asking everyone to pitch in and help out in the war effort, even just to make us all feel closer to the troops and to make the troops feel more support. But that he himself, the so-called Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (so it's like the top general of them all we're talking about) would go on a 5 week vacation while his troops are fighting a war he started for his own selfish reasons, that's just inconceivable.

Can you imagine one of the generals in charge of the troops on the ground in Iraq going on a 5 week vacation?! Imagine the outrage it would spark!! And with reason.

He should be ashamed of himself.

I don't like the First Lady because she is like wallpaper (nice to look at, but once you leave the room you can't even remember what it looked like, she's totally forgettable,) but I don't know how Laura Bush even sleeps next to him at night or shows her face with his in public.

And these people portray themselves as deeply religious. Yeah, rigth, and to what God to they pray? Money? Greed? Oil?

It's sickening.

1 comment:

Ray said...

Remember that in August 2001, Bush was on vacation for the month. During that vacation, he was told "Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States." The very next month, we were victims to the greatest attack on US soil.

Now, Bush is on vacation for August and al-Qaeda's #2 man said that we're in for an even bigger attact. I'm not looking forward to the next couple months.....