Monday, April 06, 2020


Yet another show I had started watching years ago -- and liked quite a bit -- so I finally decided to complete.

Enlightened is one of those hidden gems in HBO's vast library of excellent offerings that failed to garner a large enough audience but whose merits are undeniable.

In season two, Amy decides to take matters into her own hands and contacts an investigative journalist responsible for infamous and explosive exposés.

Naturally, he needs more than just her convictions, but her digital footprints get flagged by security and point back to her division, putting everyone under a microscope.

Meanwhile, her love life sees further complications. Levi isn't having the breakthrough she had hoped for, and her new journalist friend might be looking for more than just hacked emails.

Her drive to expose and bring down Abaddonn might work but with far reaching consequences for everyone involved. Is Amy willing to go that far?

Grade - Season 2: 8

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