Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Will & Grace - Updated

Update at bottom.

I still remember when Ray and I started watching Will & Grace back in 1998: we loved it from the get-go and almost couldn't believe that one of the biggest networks on TV was broadcasting a show in prime time that featured not just a random gay character, but two and in lead roles.

The show was so successful that it became the cornerstone of NBC's Comedy Thursday lineup. Both critics and audiences loved it, and soon the main industry awards started coming in as well.

After nine season, the show came to an end, but in 2017 a long rumored reunion was announced, and the reception was so positive that two more seasons were greenlit before the show came to a well-rounded finale last week.

I wasn't sure the first few episodes of the revival were up to par with the original, but eventually it got better, perhaps even better (and more daring) than the original seasons were.

Alas, like all good things, at some point this revival also had to end, but I think the producers actually sent our foursome of friends off into the sunset with a much more satisfying finale the second time around.

If you're looking for a funny comedy, you can rest assured that Will & Grace won't disappoint.

Grade - Whole Series: 9

Update: I forgot to mention that, because of the positive portrayals of gay people and the enormous and mainstream success the show enjoyed, throughout its run Will & Grace was extremely influential in improving the lives of LGBT+ people all over the country.

Politicians and activists alike often say that without Will & Grace we probably wouldn't have seen the demise of Don't Ask Don't Tell in the military, nor the increase in acceptance of gay rights across the board, which ultimately led to gay marriage nationwide, in a relatively short span of time.

Finally, while it's hard to pick a favorite among the quartet, as each one brings something special to the show, my favorite has always been Karen Walker, played by Megan Mullally. She always said the most outrageous things and Mullally's delivery was impeccable.

Debra Messing would be my second favorite for her incredible physical comicality as well as her delivery.

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