Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Jumanji: The Next Level

THE GIST: Feeling down for where he currently is in his life, one of the four kids from the previous adventure, now young adults, decides to get his mind off by playing another round of Jumanji. His friends, realizing what he's done and knowing that he cannot win the game alone, decide to follow him inside. But the game is now different from the first time, since by winning the first round they've graduated to a new level, so what they thought they knew might be different this time.

Well, the whole gang is back for Jumanji: The Next Level and the new chapter doesn't disappoint. While some dynamics among the characters might feel rehashed, the idea of jumbling the avatars and the introduction of two additional players make up for it in spades.

In fact, Danny DeVito and Danny Glover are a great addition to the cast and their storyline perfectly dovetails with the larger narrative.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you're new to the franchise, you'd be better off watching the previous episode, if not also the original, but either way you won't be disappointed.

Grade: 7

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