Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Marriage Story

THE GIST: The end of a marriage creates resentment and uncertainty for everyone involved. There's also a child's interests to consider. And then there's the lawyers.

Noah Baumbach's Marriage Story is a very bittersweet take on what happens to a relationship when the love that powered its core begins to ebb.

Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson are both very good in their roles, although at times Johansson's character does seem to be making dubious choices. But who are we to judge when two people go through the trauma that must be a divorce?

In supporting roles Alan Alda and Ray Liotta do very good work, but it's Laura Dern who is unleashed to chew the scenery, a performance that is perhaps at times too histrionic but that translated in her first Academy Award (a win well deserved after a career of roles expertly portrayed).

THE BOTTOM LINE: I have a feeling that this movie will speak differently to different viewers more than other kinds of movies. Personally, I really liked both Driver's and Johansson's work and I felt sorry for both of their characters for the end of their relationship. I'd recommend it.

Grade: 8

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