Friday, April 03, 2020

Game of Thrones

What will surely be remembered as one of the greatest TV shows of all time, Game of Thrones came to an end. The elaborate production was already outstanding from the outset, but with every season the stakes seemed to rise: a growing audience unlocked more generous budgets, which brought increased scrutiny and rising expectations.

Regardless, each department always brought their A-game and each and every episode was more polished than the last. There's a clear curve if you go back to the first couple episodes from season one and compare them to any episode from season eight. Yet, even back then, the dedication and attention to detail made it an exquisite pleasure to watch.

Season 7 starts out with Daenerys returning to Dragonstone, her family's ancestral lands, with her new allies. Cersei is informed of this and, thanks to a new ally, sets about to block her march to King's Landing, hobbling her army. Daenerys' countermove is a devastating blow.

Meanwhile, Jon has to organize the defenses of the North and, not without facing resistance, resolves to seek an alliance with the Mother of Dragons. They are both wary of one another, but their goals make them natural allies. Daenerys is also puzzled and intrigued by her dragons' apparent affinity for the King in the North.

Arya finally makes her way back home, where she reunites with Sansa and Bran. After helping Sansa retake Winterfell, Littlefinger sets his sights higher still. Will he ever stop?

Jon realizes that the threat coming from beyond the Wall is bigger than anyone imagined and endangers every living soul. Will he be able to convince the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms that uniting against the Night King is their only hope of survival?

Grade - Season 7: 10

Season 8 starts out with Winterfell preparing to face its biggest threat in ages. Jon is back and he brought along the Mother of Dragons, but will the Dothraki and Unsullied armies and her children be enough to ensure success?

Meanwhile, a revelation about the Stark's past, discovered by Bran and confirmed by Sam, throws the alliance and the relationship between Jon and Daenerys in turmoil.

Everything will have to be set aside, however, until Cersei's grip on King's Landing is dealt with. Whose army will be standing in the end? Who will sit on the Iron Throne and claim dominion over the Seven Kingdoms?

Grade - Season 8: 10

The end of Game of Thrones was, unsurprisingly, bittersweet: such a fantastic, phenomenally good show, delivered on all expectations, but won't be coming back.

However, in the wake of the worldwide success of the series, HBO has pursued several ideas for prequels centered around Westeros, so who knows what the future might bring.

For now, I'm left with the memories of the stories of countless great characters, which has greatly increased my desire to read A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's sprawling series of novels that gave life to the TV show.

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