Thursday, May 28, 2020

47 Meters Down: Uncaged

THE GIST: Four friends go explore the ruins of an ancient city that is now underwater. Once there, they realize that sharks scour the ruins hunting for prey, which they have now become.

47 Meters Down: Uncaged is clearly meant to capitalize on the success of 47 Meters Down, but aside from the similar title and same predator, they have little in common.

In fact, while the original was largely spared the worst trappings of the genre, this sequel is not: group of hunted teenage girls, check; trust and acceptance issues between half-siblings, check; guy working with loud music that covers all warning signals, check; dad hurrying to the rescue, check; schoolgirl rival left speechless, check; and the list goes on.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you want to get your mind off, go for the original. This one gets that extra half grade just because it does have a fair amount of suspense, but ultimately it's trite.

Grade: 4.5

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