Monday, May 18, 2020

Motherless Brooklyn

THE GIST: When his mentor and friend is killed by some thugs, a private investigator with Tourette's Syndrome sets out to uncover the truth and make those responsible pay for their crime.

Motherless Brooklyn is a whodunit in the guise of the noir procedurals of old, from the main setup to the cinematography to the camera work. If you like the genre, you shouldn't be disappointed.

Still, it's not going to linger in the mind like one of the classics. It's fairly well written, with nice twists, and very well acted, but it's not going to leave a mark.

Edward Norton plays the main character with his usual excellence. He also co-wrote and directed, so hats off to him, because he crafted a good movie.

THE BOTTOM LINE: This film might have suffered from comparisons to other similarly structured ones, like LA Confidential, but I enjoyed it on its own merits. I think it deserves a chance.

Grade: 7

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