Friday, May 15, 2020


THE GIST: The story of legendary artist Elton John, from his uneasy childhood, when he discovers his musical talents, to the point in his career when he decides to sober up.

Rocketman is pretty successful in giving us an idea of what life must have been like for this very exuberant man. The screenplay covers a pretty large chunk of time, but still feels like the main milestones are analysed.

Taron Egerton does a wonderful job of portraying Elton: the endless energy, the shyness, the eagerness to succeed, the desire to be loved and the frustrations of his failures.

Just as good are Jamie Bell as his longtime business partner Bernie Taupin; Bryce Dallas Howard, as his unloving and resentful mother; and Richard Madsen, as the unscrupulous lover-cum-manager.

The recreation of Elton's famed costumes, shoes, and glasses are excellent, as is the makeup.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you're a fan of Elton's music or if you don't know it but are curious about his rise to stardom and what makes him the artist he is, then don't pass this up.

Grade: 8

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