Thursday, May 28, 2020

47 Meters Down

THE GIST: Two sisters on vacation decide to try out sightseeing sharks in their element from the safety of a steel cage. Things don't work out as expected.

From looking at the poster (or watching the trailer, if you're into getting your movies spoiled ahead of time), 47 Meters Down is your standard, mindless, popcorn-flick with no pretenses and a few cheap thrills.

Now, don't get me wrong, those aren't necessarily bad qualities, since we all occasionally want to just turn off our brains and enjoy a couple hours without worrying about our problems.

All this to say that this movie is actually a step above that usual light fare and has a couple aces up its sleeve too, which result in a decent grade.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you want to get your mind off your daily routine, put this on and you won't regret it.

Grade: 6

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