Friday, May 29, 2020

Angel Has Fallen

THE GIST: The President might be different, but Mike Banning's job is still the same: protect him at all costs. Unfortunately for him, an attempt on the President's life is blamed on Banning himself, who claims he's being framed. Now on the run, he has to use his entire skill set to get out of it alive and clear his name.

Angel Has Fallen is the second sequel in the Banning series, and while it doesn't feel as satisfying as either or its predecessors, it still manages to show us a good time.

Gerard Butler is quite good in the title role, flanked by an always charming Morgan Freeman, a very broody Lance Reddick, and a good baddie Danny Huston. Jada Pinkett Smith has a nice but too short role, while Nick Nolte looks to be having a grand time.

THE BOTTOM LINE: By now you know the drill: someone causes trouble and Banning is here to save the day; so you know what you're in for. This time, however, the ride feels a bit less thrilling.

Grade: 6.5

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