Monday, June 22, 2020

Defending Your Life

THE GIST: Daniel is killed in a car crash and goes to Judgment City, where one's life is examined by a panel of judges to verify whether you've made the most of it and can move on and evolve, or should be sent back to Earth to "try again." While enduring his trial, he meets Julia and falls in love with her. Their respective trials' outcomes, however, seem to be heading for different results.

Defending Your Life stars Meryl Streep, my main reason for watching it, and Albert Brooks, who also wrote and directed, whom I find very funny and whose movies I usually enjoy.

This one is no different, even though it's certainly not one for the history books: the script is simple but funny; the acting good; the production values decent enough even after three decades; and there's a delightful performance by Rip Torn.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Ms. Streep might have been the reason I picked this title, but the movie is a funny and harmless comedy that should please most in the audience.

Grade: 7

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