Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Here's another TV show I started watching a long time ago and had to let go for lack of time.

I still remember how entertaining Episodes was though, and how funny and good the cast is, so I decided to pick it back up. I'm so glad I did.

The second season picks up a bit after the end of season 1 and now Sean and Beverly are separated. It is heartbreaking to see them apart and clearly suffering and missing each other. Will Sean be able to forgive Beverly?

Their show, Pucks, is at first very successful, but script changes, ratings swings, and casting issues keep the couple of writers busy on and off the set.

Tamsin Greig and Stephen Mangan are adorable and hysterical. Matt LeBlanc, playing himself, is sometimes a bit off-putting, but it's part of the character.

John Pankow seems to cherish chewing the scenery every chance he gets, but it's Kathleen Rose Perkins and above all Daisy Haggard who I just can't get enough of.

Definitely funny.

Grade - Season 2: 8

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