Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Curse of La Llorona

THE GIST: After investigating a puzzling case of child abuse in which the mother denies all accusations, a social worker begins to have weird visions of a weeping, ghostly woman. She discovers she's seeing La Llorona, a wronged woman who now takes her wrath out on other people's kids. Soon, her own children become targets.

I honestly hoped for The Curse of La Llorona to be a better movie than it is, but ultimately it's pretty tame and boilerplate; even predictable.

There are a few good scares, but once the curse is explained a lot of the mystery is removed. We all expect the ghost of the woman to be released by the end, so it's really just a question of how much damage she will be able to inflict.

THE BOTTOM LINE: The movie isn't terrible or even bad really; it's just that we've kind of seen it all before and there's nothing original about it. I'd pass.

Grade: 5

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