Thursday, June 25, 2020

King Cobra

THE GIST: A young man decides to get into the gay porn industry, contacts a one-man-operation film producer, and ends up becoming a star, stirring envy. After a falling off with the producer, things get dicey.

King Cobra is a ripped-from-the-headlines drama that does an okay job of retelling the story of how Brent Corrigan came to be.

The film features Garrett Clayton in the lead role, Christian Slater, Molly Ringwald, and James Franco.

Overall, it's the script the feels a bit underwhelming, in spite of a story that practically wrote itself. Ultimately, the film feels like one of Stephen's home-productions.

THE BOTTOM LINE: An interesting tale, a series of incredibly attractive actors, and yet an easily forgettable film. Too bad.

Grade: 5.5

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