Tuesday, June 09, 2020


THE GIST: Under the guise of safety, a lonely woman accepts to provide alcohol for a group of teenagers, who would get it anyway, and lets them party at her house. The teens can't believe their luck, until the lady starts getting possessive and obsessed with their lives. They try to pull away, but she won't be denied.

Ma is a great cautionary tale about the ordinary people one meets who might have ulterior motives for befriending you. The message is that you never really know where someone's coming from and the experiences they lived in their past.

I thought Octavia Spencer was fantastic in this movie. She shows an incredible range, going from friendly to sadistic to victim to predator. She's such a great actress!

THE BOTTOM LINE: I don't want to give too many details away, but I found this thriller-horror movie to be entertaining and scary, and Spencer is reason enough to see it.

Grade: 7

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