Monday, October 12, 2020

Blade Runner 2049

: Ecological disaster and famine have seriously hammered Earth's population. Replicants' older models are still being hunted and retired by Blade Runners, chief among them, officer K. During an operation, K discovers a mysterious box containing skeletal remains. The ensuing investigation will lead him on the trail of Rick Deckard, a former Blade Runner who's not being heard from for thirty years.

The long-in-the-making sequel to the sci-fi classic Blade RunnerBlade Runner 2049 is a well thought out tale of hope and loss, told against the backdrop of a jaw dropping dystopian landscape.

The cinematography, winner of an Academy Award, along with Best Visual Effects, is worth a viewing alone. Nominations also went to Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, and Production Design.

Ryan Gosling stars in the lead and does a really good job, naturally acting the part of the cold replicants' hunter. Obviously, having Harrison Ford reprise his role as Deckard is fantastic, as is Sean Young in a small cameo.

Robin Wright, Dave Bautista, Ana de Armas, Sylvia Hoeks, Jared Leto, Edward James Olmos, Mackenzie Davis, and Lennie James also star.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you enjoyed the original, this is a good sequel. It might be easier to understand this story if the original is watched first though, and both are well worth it.

Grade: 8

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