Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Looking: The Movie

: Patrick travels back to San Francisco for a wedding and realizes that the past relationships he thought he had left behind have really just been on hold all this time. Perhaps it's time to get some closure.

Looking: The Movie is the closing chapter of the HBO series Looking, which was only mildly entertaining.

The movie is actually much better, whether because of the format or because the shorter runtime forced cramming more material in less time.

There's also an undercurrent of melancholy, perhaps simply because this is definitely the final stop, and that surely helps in making it work.

Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, and Murray Bartlett are all back, along with well known supporting players Lauren Weedman, Russell Tovey, Raúl Castillo, and Daniel Franzese.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you watched the series than this is definitely a must-see, even just to get some closure, but it works even for the uninitiated, who might actually decide to watch the two seasons of the show afterwards.

Grade: 7

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