Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Hotel Transylvania 2

: Dracula is not as worried about the fate of monsters as he once was, so he relaxed the strict no-humans policy at his hotel, where humans and monsters now regularly interact. He's however concerned that his adored grandson Dennis, being half-human, half-vampire, might turn out not to be a vampire after all, so he decides to put him through a monster-in-training boot camp. Unbeknownst to him, his very, very old father Vlad, who hates all things human, is about to pay him a visit at his hotel.

Hotel Transylvania 2 is a worthy sequel to the first chapter and perhaps even a smidgen better.

The additions of a human son-in-law, a half-breed grandson, and his grumpy, ancient father certainly power up the comicality of it all.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Definitely recommended for the whole family. If you haven't watched the first entry in the franchise though, you should. It's cute and this builds on that story.

Grade: 6.5

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