Thursday, September 10, 2020

Il Capitale Umano (Human Capital)

THE GIST: Two families with very different social statuses are connected by greed and lust. One night, an accident links them further and threatens to rip them apart completely.

Il Capitale Umano is a very intriguing drama that poses some hard hitting questions. The underlying one being, what would you do if you were caught up in a similar web?

A great cast featuring Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Matilde Gioli, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Valeria Golino, Luigi Lo Cascio, Guglielmo Pinelli, and Fabrizio Gifuni.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Yes, you're going to have to read the subtitles, but the acting is great and the thrilling story gripping. Watch it.

Grade: 8

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