Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Other People

: David, a struggling writer, moves back home to help his mother in the time she has left before dying of cancer, now that she's stopped her treatments. Aside from the physical sickness and the mental anguish of dealing with the illness, there's the strain on their relationship caused by David's coming out before moving away, and his family's failure to fully accept him.

Other People is a heartwrenching drama about a person dying of cancer that's brilliantly interwoven with hilarious bits of comedy that lighten the mood without making light of the situation.

Molly Shannon is a true revelation in the role of the sick mother and Jesse Plemons is great playing her son. Bradley Whitford, June Squibb, and Paul Dooley round up a great supporting cast.

THE BOTTOM LINE: A really good comedy that might be a bit hard to watch at times. Until the next joke that is. Very funny.

Grade: 7.5

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