Monday, September 14, 2020


: Talented dancer Susie travels to Berlin to study at the world renowned Markos Tanz Academy, run by the stern Madame Blanc. She arrives right after an expelled student is found murdered and soon more odd and mysterious events happen. Still, Madame Blanc takes a special interest in her, and she soon rises through the ranks of the ballet company, arousing envy and resentment. Unfortunately for Susie, the rumor that witches used to run the company might not be a rumor after all, and perhaps they still do.

Director Luca Guadagnino tried his hand at remaking/reimagining one of famed auteur Dario Argento's most sacred cows with Suspiria and easily passed muster.

The lead role is now played by Dakota Johnson, an actress that shows real promise, but who really dominates the screen is the indomitable Tilda Swinton.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Not an exact copy of the original, it certainly pays tribute to it, while also fleshing out the story further where it's warranted. A good mystery movie.

Grade: 7.5

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