Tuesday, September 01, 2020

The Salesman (Forushande)

THE GIST: Married couple Rana and Emad relocate to a new apartment after their current home is condemned. Unbeknownst to them, the previous tenant was a very promiscuous woman and a former male visitor shows up one night when Rana is home alone, assaulting her. The event traumatizes Rana and creates a rift between her and Emad, who strives to support his wife while also seeking vengeance against the intruder.

The Salesman rightfully won a Best Foreign Language Film Oscar for Iran. The story is obviously upsetting, given the themes, but you really feel a connection to this couple, who's going through a terrible ordeal.

Taraneh Alidoosti and Shahab Hosseini are both wonderful.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Definitely recommended for any cinema lover out there. A gripping story and great performances.

Grade: 8

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