Friday, July 17, 2020

Predator 2

THE GIST: War drugs between rival gangs always result in heavy casualties, but two LAPD cops suspect something radically different is happening, given the gruesome state of the cadavers left behind. When they catch a glimpse of the alien creature that might be responsible, they end up hunted themselves.

Predator and Predator 2 should be used in cinema studies' presentations everywhere to explain what not to do with a hot new property when making a sequel.

Evidently, the studio was just interested in cashing in, putting little care into crafting a plausible story that would increase the bankability of their new creature.

While the first movie was overall enjoyable, this one is just trash: there's no explanation of why or how, after the first movie, a group of Predators ends up in Los Angeles; the whole gang rivalry storyline feels like, and ultimately is, just a pretext; the ending makes very little sense when we know that these creatures hunt their prey for sport. (And why exactly was only one hunting?)

And then there's the subpar, not to say poor, acting. Even with Danny Glover, RubĂ©n Blades, and Bill Paxton there's no saving this stinker. And Gary Busey is just pathetic. Unsurprisingly, Arnold Schwarzenegger's good business acumen kept him far away from this sequel.

THE BOTTOM LINE: I'd recommend the first one, but not this crap. There are other sequels, but they're unrelated anyway.

Grade: 4

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