Friday, July 17, 2020

Alien vs. Predator: Requiem

THE GIST: As the Predator spaceship is leaving Earth (following the events of the previous movie), the incubated Alien hatches and attacks the crew. The ship then crash-lands back on the planet, with more Predators on the way to eradicate the Alien threat before it spreads. Once again, unwitting humans end up in the cross hairs, hunted by both alien species.

Well, it seems like it's really hit or miss for this franchise. Once again, a risible script swings for the fences and lands square in the gutter.

The actions the actors are made to perform defy logic way too many times for the audience to keep going along; so after a while one just unplugs and watches mayhem and death unfold without actually caring too much for what happens.

Reiko Aylesworth's Kelly is the only character you might actually cheer on, likely because she reminds you of Sigourney Weaver's Ripley in her career defining roles in the first two Alien films.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Well, it's very unfortunate to have to lambaste the producers again, but they really gave us a stinker here. If this is all they can come up with, perhaps it's best if Alien vs. Predator: Requiem really is the end of the line.

Grade: 4

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