Monday, July 20, 2020

It Chapter Two

THE GIST: All the Losers have moved away from Derry and on with their lives, except for Mike. When he realizes that It has come back, after 27 years, he phones his friends and asks them to come back home and finish It off for good.

After a very good first chapter introduced us to It and the Losers club, we get a very satisfying ending with It Chapter Two.

Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Isaiah Mustaa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone (and Andy Bean in a very small but key part) are all excellently cast as the adult friends, while Bill SkarsgĂ„rd reprises his role as It and is scarier than ever.

There are also some nice flashbacks with the younger cast, and the two timelines perfectly interweave in this very well written screenplay.

I've watched a lot of Stephen King novels' adaptations; this one is by far the best one, capturing the magic, horror, tenderness, terror, and affections of the book very well.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you're a King fan, don't miss these two movies. And if you're looking for a good set of scares for a jolt to your system, you can stop right here.

Grade: 9

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